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하이펙 수술 후 건강 회복 관련

2018년 발표된 영국 논문에 따르면, CRS-HIPEC 수술은 수술 후 12개월 뒤 훌륭한 삶의 질과 관련 있다고 함. 수술 후 12개월 내에서는 식욕 상실, 불면증, 피로, 재정적 어려움 등의 삶의 질 저하가 나타났으나 12개월 후부터는 정상화 되는 것으로 나타남.

출처. Stearns, A.T., Malcomson, L., Punnett, G. et al. Long-term Quality of Life After Cytoreductive Surgery and Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Pseudomyxoma Peritonei: A Prospective Longitudinal Study. Ann Surg Oncol (2018).


A total of 553 longitudinal HRQL questionnaires were completed for 137 patients, truncated at 60 months. In the 2016 update, 85 responses were received from 103 survivors (mean follow-up period, 8.11 years). Patients’ physical, role, and social function scores were impaired until 12 months postoperatively, after which the scores did not differ significantly from those of with reference populations. Similarly, fatigue, appetite loss, insomnia, and financial difficulties worsened significantly compared with reference populations in the first 12-months and then normalized. In contrast, impaired cognitive function (82.3 vs 88.5; P = 0.017), constipation (13.7 vs 7.3; P = 0.032), and diarrheal symptoms (15.1 vs 4.9; P = 0.0006) persisted through both periods. Global health scores did not differ significantly from those of the reference population.


Beyond 12 months postoperatively, CRS-HIPEC for PMP is associated with a good quality of life except for some cognitive functional impairment and bowel disturbances.


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